

In order to be well-known and to sensitize the population, we decided to go directly toward the fokontany. The objective is to put in work participative approach integrating the young as the aged, the men as the women, to imply themselves in the struggle against the infestation of locusts. And to share that the idea conveyed by Mihary is as much as beneficial on the social, environmental and also economic aspects.


Due to a lack of transportation means, the team has to make journeys by walk. Making there and back journey of 12 km (Antaritarika-Ihodo) on feet, uses more than the shoes. But as we say it as well: “To valiant heart, nothing impossible”

It is in youth when we have all our time so our physical and cognitive capacities. We must take benefits of this time to look for what is better, not only for ourselves, but also for our neighbors.

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